
Welcome to the website of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenhäuser NRW e.V. (State Working Group of Autonomous Women’s Refuges of North Rhine-Westphalia, registered association). The Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft (LAG) is an association of 25 autonomous women’s refuges in the Federal State of NRW. In addition to networking and cooperation among the women’s refuges, the LAG works to improve the conditions for women's shelters in NRW and throughout Germany. This is linked to the objective of achieving lasting improvements for the situation of women and children affected by violence. It cooperates at the federal state level mainly in the areas of politics, external representation and public relations. It develops positions on current issues concerning the work of women's refuges in expert working groups.

About us – Autonomous Women's Refuges

» List of Autonomous Women's Refuges in North Rhine-Westphalia

Autonomous Womens’ Refuges offer protection and support to women affected by violence and their children. We understand violence against women not only as an individual emergency, but also as a violation of human rights. The extent of violence against women and their children depends on the legal framework, social values and many other factors. For this reason, Autonomous Womens’ Refuges not only see themselves as institutions for protection and support, but also stand up for the rights of the affected at a political and social level.


Since the end of the 1970s, women affected by violence and their children have found protection and support in Autonomous Womens’ Refuges quickly and unbureaucratically. The women’s refuges are accessible day and night. The address is anonymous.
The affected women are provided comprehensive advice. As a start, stabilisation in a situation of crisis is of central importance. In addition, legal and material bases are clarified and personal resources are strengthened. Girls and boys are also cared about and supported in their individual needs.

The State Working Group

The overall objective of the State Working Group of Autonomous Women’s Refuges of North Rhine-Westphalia (LAG) is to promote the fight against violence against women in the Federal State. The LAG is committed to improved protection and comprehensive support for women affected by violence and their children . This includes secure and adequate funding of the women's refuges.

The LAG actively contributes through its experience and expertise to political boards at the state level. Through targeted public relations work, we make violence against women in its various manifestations the centre of attention. This sensitises the public to the health-related, economic and social consequences of violence. In this way, the State Working Group contributes to improving the situation of women affected by violence and their children.

LAG – Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenhäuser NRW e.V.

Telefon: 02336/8191780


Büro: Koordinierungsstelle der LAG Autonomer Frauenhäuser NRW e.V.
Markgrafenstr. 6  •  58332 Schwelm 

E-Mail:  info@lag-autonomefrauenhaeusernrw.de

Wichtige Links

Zentrale Informationsstelle der autonomen Frauenhäuser: www.autonome-frauenhaeuser-zif.de

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